If you’re a powerful vampire running from the Time Lords, it’s easy to see why you’d pick E-space for your hideout. It’s small, it's full of delicious humanoids, it's hidden behind a CVE — not to mention bat-populated planets are seemingly a dime a dozen in this green-hued pocket universe. It's really just bad luck that the Doctor wandered in, but all the better for us since we get to see a traditional vampire horror story done through the lens of Doctor Who. The result is State of Decay, and it delivers on blending gothic fantasy with Who's quasi-scientific reality. Can we also toss in a potentially duplicitous new companion, a healthy amount of K-9 action, and a spectacular final reveal of the monster? Enh, two out of three ain’t bad.
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Story Essentials
Season 18, Serial 4
Story number: 112, per the The Pull To Open Codex
Production Code 5P
Writer: Terrance Dicks
Producer: Nathan-Turner
Aired 22 November – 13 December 1980
Pull To Open: State of Decay
Season 3
Episode 10
Hosts: Pete Pachal and Chris Taylor
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