If you were looking for a single Doctor Who serial that encapsulates virtually all of the sci-fi tropes of the '70s — giant bugs, an evil sentient computer, mind-altering crystals — it'd be hard to find one that filled the bingo card as well as The Green Death. Of course, these are the tropes before they were tropes, and you can't help but admire how the story leans into them all with satisfying confidence, even when it's grossing us out with slimy maggots. But is it a worthy send-off for Jo Grant? Better check with the BOSS…
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Story Essentials:
Season 10, Serial 5
Story number: 68, per The Pull To Open Codex
Production code TTT
Writer: Robert Sloman
Producer: Barry Letts
Aired 19 May - 23 June 1973
Pull To Open: The Green Death
Season 2
Episode 25
Hosts: Pete Pachal and Chris Taylor
Outro music: Chronos by Alexander Nakarada
This Is Maggot Country (Sanitizing "The Green Death")