When you're looking to literally change history to save your race, it's smart to stay focused. This really isn't the time for convoluted plans, extraneous plot threads that go nowhere, and long conversations with captured prisoners. But the Cybermen can't help themselves, it seems, and neither can Attack of the Cybermen, which seems utterly confused about which previous story it's a sequel to. It's almost inevitable that things get messy pretty quickly in Colin Baker's second adventure, but the script still manages to keep the pace up, the body count high, and the fan service at maximum. Could at least some parts of Attack be… excellent?
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Story Essentials
Season 22, Serial 1
Story number: 137, per the The Pull To Open Codex
Production Code 6T
Writer: Paula Moore, alias for Paula Woolsey (Eric Saward, story elements by Ian Levine)
Producer: Nathan-Turner
Aired 5 - 12 January 1985
Pull To Open: Attack of the Cybermen
Season 3
Episode 11
Hosts: Pete Pachal and Chris Taylor
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