In the entire run of Doctor Who, there has never been a villain quite like Davros. Half-Dalek, half-somewhat crispy person, the character of Davros set a new bar for the "evil genius" archetype in his debut story, Genesis of the Daleks. His many speeches in that story produced some of the show's best scenes, creating so much great drama that no one minds that the story completely retcons huge swaths of Dalek history. There's so much reverence for Genesis, it's hard to watch it with a critical eye... but that's never stopped us before! While this classic among classics undeniably holds up, is there still room for improvement somewhere within the on-point war allegories and fascist allusions? We mean, besides those giant clams.
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Story Essentials
Season 12, Serial 4
Story number: 77, per the The Pull To Open Codex
Production Code 4E
Writer: Terry Nation
Producer: Hinchcliffe
Aired 8 March - 12 April 1975
Pull To Open: Genesis of the Daleks
Season 3
Episode 12
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