An ancient evil. Misguided scientists. If you're thinking, "Oh, we simply have to get these guys together," you might be a Doctor Who writer from the '70s. But if you're going to go ahead and mix this pair of volatile ingredients, it's probably best to throw in at least one wisecracking supporting character, a few paper-mâché monsters, and some ambitious ideas about the true nature of human evolution. Put it all into a delightfully sinister horror-movie backdrop on the English countryside, and you've got Image of the Fendahl, the last stab of Tom Baker's "scary" era. It's well-remembered, but can it still frighten? Or make sense? Pour some extra salt on your pretzels, and set coordinates for the Fifth Planet…
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Story Essentials
Season 15, Serial 3
Story number: 93, per the The Pull To Open Codex
Production code 4X
Writer: Chris Boucher
Producer: Graham Williams
Aired 29 October - 19 November 1977
Pull To Open: Image of the Fendahl
Season 3
Episode 1
Hosts: Pete Pachal and Chris Taylor
Outro music: Chronos by Alexander Nakarada
Kingdom of the Insidious Skull (Exorcising "Image of the Fendahl")