If you lack emotions, can you seek revenge? It’s the burden of Doctor Who fans to ponder questions like this, since Revenge of the Cybermen attributes emotion to the show’s notoriously unfeeling monsters right there in the title. More likely, we suspect some future historian did their best to characterize the Cybermen’s incursion on Nerva Beacon in the 29th century with some fanciful language to give the whole episode some gravitas. Heaven knows the story could use it — unless you’re talking about the single biggest plot hole in Doctor Who history, one so massive it threatens to overshadow Tom Baker’s performance, the unique musical score and everything else good about this story. Absent a beacon to highlight them, the galaxy turns to a lonely podcast broadcasting into the depths of space…
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Story Essentials
Season 12, Serial 5
Story number: 78, per the The Pull To Open Codex
Production Code: 4D
Writers: Gerry Davis (and Robert Holmes)
Producer: Philip Hinchcliffe
Aired 19 April - 10 May 1975
Pull To Open: Revenge of the Cybermen
Season 3
Episode 28
Hosts: Pete Pachal and Chris Taylor
Feedback Loop music: Freestylah by Alexander Nakarada
Outro music: Chronos by Alexander Nakarada
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