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We all know there's a great future in plastics, but what about the past? The Randomizer brings us back to 1970s(-ish) Britain, where the Doctor is still in exile and those pesky store-window dummies are coming to life again. But retreading the same monster as last season's premiere isn't why we remember Terror of the Autons — it's the introduction of the Master that makes the story such a landmark. Roger Delgado nails the character's casual, murderous evil from minute one, which almost makes you forgive his inability to fully think through his diabolical plans. (Who knew summoning a plastic-controlling giant octopus from space might be a bad idea?) While Terror is notable for its many firsts, including the debuts of Katy Manning as Jo Grant and Richard Franklin as Mike Yates, does the story measure up to its ambition? Toss your troll doll by the fire, straighten your plastic daffodils, and come listen to find out.
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Story Essentials
Season 8, Serial 1
Story number: 54, per the The Pull To Open Codex
Production Code: EEE
Writers: Robert Holmes
Producer: Barry Letts
Aired 2 January - 23 January 1971
Pull To Open: Terror of the Autons
Season 2
Episode 12
Hosts: Pete Pachal and Chris Taylor
Outro music: Chronos by Alexander Nakarada
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