Finding a new place to live takes a lot out of you. Between the lease, the hassle of moving, and the endless viewings, you hardly have any time left to comb the flat for glowing bugs from space that might want to absorb you into the walls. Luckily for Bill, she’s got a… uh, “granddad” to do that, and Knock Knock nicely sets up its tale by starting with the pleasant banality of college life before sucking us into a Doctor Who mystery about a creepy landlord, even creepier insects, and something that out-creeps them both living high above Bill’s new apartment. Did we mention it’s creepy? At least that’s what the story is really trying to make us to feel — but you know what they say about trying too hard.
Commentary for Knock Knock begins at 22:57.
Guest Bryan Young joins from the Full of Sith podcast!
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Story Essentials
Series 10, Episode 4
Story number: 271, per the The Pull To Open Codex
Writer: Mike Bartlett
Director: Bill Anderson
Producer: Steven Moffat
Aired 6 May 2017
Pull To Open: Knock Knock
Season 4
Episode 27 (Episode 100 overall!)
Hosts: Pete Pachal and Chris Taylor
Music: Martin West/Thinking Fish
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